Von Trapp Family Member Visits Webster Avenue School

Rosemarie Von Trapp (back row, center) visited students at Webster Avenue Elementary School.

Rosemarie Von Trapp (back row, center) visited students at Webster Avenue Elementary School.

Webster Avenue Elementary School had the pleasure of welcoming Rosemarie Von Trapp of the legendary Austrian musical family to help celebrate Reading Week on Monday, May 11. She visited students in grades 3, 4 and 5 to share the story of her life experiences.

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Webster Avenue Elementary Named Feinstein Leadership School

Webster Avenue fifth graders load donated canned goods to be transported to the Rhode Island Food Bank.

Webster Avenue fifth graders load donated canned goods to be transported to the Rhode Island Food Bank.

Webster Avenue Elementary School students and their teachers have committed to helping to better the lives of others as they were recently named a Feinstein Leadership School by local philanthropist Alan Shawn Feinstein. He donated $10,000 to the school and gave each student a journal to record their good deeds and acts of kindness that will help to make a difference in the lives of those less fortunate in their communities.

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